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06.14.03 ~ 7:54 pm

#1 - how this is gonna work

That magical first entry. Here goes.

So what is this all about? Well, first an introduction: Hi, my name is Strawburygrl, and I'm an addict. I'm addicted to words. I wish I could eat, drink, breathe, sleep, and even fuck words.

So I was whining about my piss-poor vocabulary in my original diary, and was contemplating ways to beef up on my knowledge of words. Ever since I watched "Say Anything", I've contemplated the Diane Court method of language acquisition: reading the blessed dictionary.

I *love* my dictionary. One day when I had enough money to plunk down on a serious volume, I sat down at the local Barnes & Noble and read each publisher's entry for the word "fuck", my all-time favorite word. Well, "The AMERICAN HERITAGE dic�tion�ar�y of THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE" (Third Edition) won that important test, and thus I purchased it immediately.

So how does one go about reading a fucking dictionary. Um... well... I like things to be random, so I came up with a simple method using, drum-roll please:

ripped up scraps of paper

I was thinking about using the die from our Scattegories game, which has every letter of the alphabet, and then investing in some high-number dice to go with it for page numbers, but I was desperate to begin my assignment. On one piece of paper I managed to write all 26 letters and some... oh, now I've forgotten, but I believe 37 numbers or so.

I think there might be some letters that have more than 37 pages of entries, so I decided that every time I draw an even number, I shall then draw a second number, combine the two, and that shall be the page number I shall draw from.

So, on first draw, I chose Z27. Um, there are 7 pages in Z. *sigh* OK, closest to 27 is... 7! So, where to begin? Underlining all the words I don't already know, and getting to know them!

Um, except people or places. Coz that's annoying. And so, I believe, I have a system.

And what do I do with that system? Well, I write about the new words I've discovered! I figure one sentence about each word, using the word in question. Just like in elementary school when you're learning vocab/spelling words! Except, hopefully, these will occassionally be funny, witty, punny, or sexy sentences. Y'know, have fun with the assignment. This is supposed to be enjoyable for both me and my reader(?s?).

Anyway, we'll see how it goes in the days and weeks ahead. I'm hoping to do this once a day, hopefully at least 5 days a week.

Finally, if you have no clue who I am, go ahead and read my main diary. It's largely about sex; very raw, emotional, no-holds-barred moments; etc. And thanks to Gwen for creating a diary template just for me! I thought Andrew was going to create some wickedly new stylish templates ages ago???! Hmph. Oh well, strawberries it is!

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Previous Entries:

#3 - my favorite words - 07.25.03
#2 - Z*27 - 06.14.03
#1 - how this is gonna work - 06.14.03

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